Phone: +971 4 559 80 34
We are open: Sun-Thr: 9 am-8 pm
By making an investment, a foreigner is allowed to travel within the Schengen zone countries for up to 90 days every 6 months.
Applicants are expected to invest at least 250,000 Euros in special government residency bonds with a 5-year maturity date. Hungarian government offers an interest rate for the residency bonds, which is around 50% lower than in case of other government bonds.
When government bonds are purchased, the foreign national will be provided a temporary residence permit, if all requirements are fulfilled. After 6 months, the foreigner will be entitled to apply for a permanent residency permit. This application may take as long as 2 to 4 months.
Investor residency is valid for 5 years, with a possibility to renew it for the next period.